Thursday, March 29, 2007

Great dinner with ex-colleague

I have a wonderful dinner today with my ex-colleague and ex-customer, albert, richard, lee san, huey chin, angelina.

We spend our dinner at SS2 Korean Food Corner, Seu Gong Restaurant. Food is nice, enviroment is good, but the most important things is we are gather together. 2 hours more dinner, laugh, talk, share experience, enjoyed all the time. I wish i have a video camera which can capture the happiness all the time. Anyway, our brain is more powerful then a video camera, hahahaa

Tomorrow is my friend, Robin's birthday, we are planning to have coursemate gathering. This week is good, so many gathering. hehe

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


有那麽一對情侶 .女孩很漂亮,非常善解人意 ,偶爾時不時出些壞點子耍耍男孩.男孩很聰明 ,也很懂事,最主要的一點 .幽默感很強.總能在 2個人相處中找到可以逗女孩發笑的方式.女孩很喜歡男孩這種樂天派的心情 .

  他們一直相處不錯, 女孩對男孩的感覺,淡淡的 ,說男孩象自己的親人.

  男孩對女孩愛甚深 ,非常非常在乎她.所以每當吵架的時候 ,男孩都會說是自己不好,自己的錯 .即使有時候真的不怪他的時候,他也這麽說 .他不想讓女孩生氣.

  就這樣過了 5年,男孩仍然非常愛女孩 ,象當初一樣.

  有一個周末 ,女孩出門辦事,男孩本來打算去找女孩 ,但是一聽說她有事,就打消了這個念頭 .他在家裏呆了一天,他沒有聯繫女孩 ,他覺得女孩一直在忙,自己不好去打擾他 .

  誰知女孩在忙的時候,還想著男孩 ,可是一天沒有接到男孩的消息,她很生氣 .晚上回家後,發了條資訊給男孩 ,話說得很重.甚至提到了分手 .當時是晚上12點 .

  男孩心急如焚,打女孩手機 ,連續打了3次 ,都給挂斷了.打家裏電話沒人接 ,猜想是女孩把電話線拔了.男孩抓起衣服就出門了 ,他要去女孩家.當時是 12點25.

  女孩在 12點40的時候又接到了男孩的電話 ,從手機打來的,她又給挂斷了 .

  一夜無話.男孩沒有再給女孩打電話 .

  第2天 ,女孩接到男孩母親的電話,電話那邊聲淚俱下 .男孩昨晚出了車禍.警方說是車速過快導致刹車不急 ,撞到了一輛壞在半路的大貨車.救護車到的時候 ,人已經不行了.

  女孩心痛到哭不出來 ,可是再後悔也沒有用了.她只能從點滴的回憶中來懷念男孩帶給她的歡樂和幸福 .

  女孩強忍悲痛來到了事故車停車場, 她想看看男孩呆過的最後的地方.車已經撞得完全不成樣子 .方向盤上,儀錶盤上 ,還沾有男孩的血迹.

  男孩的母親把男孩當時身上的遺物給了女孩 ,錢包,手錶 ,還有那部沾滿了男孩鮮血的手機. 女孩翻開錢包,裏面有她的照片 ,血漬浸透了大半張.

  當女孩拿起男孩的手錶的時候 ,赫然發現,手錶的指標停在 12點35 分附近.

  女孩瞬間明白了 ,男孩在出事後還用最後一絲力氣給她打電話,而她自己卻因爲還在堵氣沒有接 .男孩再也沒有力氣去撥第2 遍電話了,他帶著對女孩的無限眷戀和內疚走了 .

  女孩永遠不知道,男孩想和她說的最後一句話是什麽 .女孩也明白,不會再有人會比這個 k孩, 更愛她了!

  1.當你正在忙時,卻把手機開著,等著她 /他的短信..你已經愛上她 /他了
   2.如果你喜歡和她/他兩個人單獨漫步 ..你已經愛上她/他了
  3.當你和她 /他在一起時,你會假裝不注意他,但是當她離/他開你的視線時,你會急著尋找她 /他...你已經愛上她了
  4. 當她/他受傷或生病時,你會很關心她,替她 /他著急..你已經愛上他了
  5.當她 /他和別人要好時,你會感到吃不知其味...你已經愛上她了
  6.當你看到她 /他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑..你已經愛上她 /他了......

Monday, March 26, 2007

Favourite Song at the month

Take That - Patience
Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On
Daniel Powter - Love You Lately
Shayne Ward - No Promises
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie
Shakira - Illegal

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

Next week will be more busy... Enjoy myself with this Friday...

3 projects are on going... will be more and more busy...

So declared holiday for myself until end of this week… yeah yeah yeah!!

Target some outdoor activity

Yoga, badminton is on going right now.. just finished badminton... ;op... so tired and felt satisfied.. hahaha...

Looking for more.. swimming, ping pong, cooking.... but jogging no la.. sorry my friends.. jogging just too boring for me... haha..

I make it.... yes!!

Every day go back before 7pm or around 7pm... haha...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Decided to go back home before 7pm every day.. ;op

I think i have to make up my mind, go back before 7pm, must have determine only will bring succeed.. haha... wish me good luck my dear.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Finally decided to have a rest at home

I do think I put too much concentration on my work until I affected my health.

After 3 days struggle with sick god, so, just get a MC for today, have good rest at home and take medicine. No more work stuff in my mind and just relax.....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Busy Busy Busy..

Recently really busy, project non-stop. Two times, on MC still need to go back and work.
I start wondering, what happen to me? ai...
Should relax a bit..

Fever not yet recovered.. still feeling headache.. ;o(..