Friday, September 14, 2007

Sick - Day 12

This time, my cough really drive me crazy. Coughing day and night especially coughing non-stop is the most tedious things.

This afternoon, without any reason, I start coughing non-stop. It takes around 10 minutes for me to stop. -___-
Every one is looking at me, colleague are taking some medicine for me. At that moment, I really want to go home and take a good rest. I know have make a mistake to continue work today. I should rest at home.

But when I stop coughing, my mind set changed. Looking at my task list, looking at my emails, phone, issue list, there are more things for me to settle today. If I not finished more today, a lot of things is going to delay for another day.

CK.. CK.. when will you change you mind?
Chinese got one sentence.. "no medicine to cure" ;o(

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