Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy Day 08-08-07

Morning, as usual can hear CK's yelling... ;oD
CK having nightmare again, hehe. She dont have a good sleep recently. Pressure is the main root cause.

Wake up as usual, prepare every things, try to make myself as pretty as i can then drive to office. MixFM is the good radio station. She like it the most. She start fall in love with all the english song come from this radio station. Suddenly, CK have the feeling of want to visit my grandma. CK miss her so much. May be last weekend not manage to go back to hometown and see her. This weekend have to accompany mum and papa to watch sally yup's concert. Dont have time some more. Perhaps, the following weekend CK manage to do that.

Reached office, read email. -____-. as expected, CK have to go a lot of meeting by today. Luckily, today only have 2. Yerterday, even worse 2 session of interview and one project meeting. (10.30am-1.00pm, 2-4pm, 5-6pm). This is call non-stop.

For today 12pm (ITMC meeting, representing my boss to go to join all the high level of manager to have meeting), 2.30pm E2E implementation meeting. I will be the main person to make sure and cooperate with E2E consultant to make sure E2E can able to implement in this company.

Wao.. after meenting, have a glance on the clock, is about 4pm. User start calling. Supporting work started. Time passed very fast. Is 6pm, user went back. Hahaha.. is time for CK to start coding.

Keep doing and keep thinking. Idea comes and go. Very fast, what CK need to do, done. Other portion is leaved for tmrw. hahha.. 8pm++. Is time for CK to go home and enjoy my good time. haha..

Life have been enjoyed, excellent work, good job and well done.
Let's leave the good work to be continue by tmrw. ;oD

Good nite.

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