Thursday, April 19, 2007

Can dont fight any more? I feel totally sad ;o(

Today planning to go back early around 6pm ++ to panel clinic to obtain a official letter from doctor in order for me to do a follow up with specialist from IJN (National Heart Institution Center). What my sister trying to help is, to reduce one of the possibility of my dizziness's root cause. I appreaciate what she did for me.

Who knows when the time i want to go back, i discover still have one issue not yet solve, which pending since last month and started work on it since last week. But until now still not yet solve. I feel hard on it. I just hope it would solved soon and release at least one task out of more than 8 task on my hand. I'm so pressured and lost. I'm trying hard to finished all the task soon, but it always come some unwanted issue to block me from go on as what i have planned.

At the end I stay more late, just to solve this things out. In the progress of solving, we got a fight.

On the way back, I feel so sad.

Some times, i will think, is that my expectation too high?
But if i able to do, why they cant?
Is the things too hard for others to do? Is too complicated for them?
Or I shouldn't expect any? But we are paying, cant we expect some thing to be deliver?

distance.. distance.. it always bring issue..

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